Find your Rhythm.

Change your Life.

Bring rhythmic inspiration and personal transformation directly to your home with TAKETINA ONLINE!


Your journey to understanding rhythm intuitively.

To develop an unprecedented sense of rhythm, you don’t need to count or think. Listening, visualizing, feeling, and moving are the keys.

Holistic Rhythm Training for enhanced bodily awareness & self-confidence

A place where you can learn rhythm, recharge energy, and find balance.


TaKeTiNa is a unique method to intuitively understand and experience rhythm. Develop a deeper knowledge of rhythmic diversity and complex grooves and understanding of the different rhythms of our planet.


TaKeTiNa stimulates the vagus nerve, improves heart rate variability and balances the nervous system. This is how you find peace, relaxation and serenity through rhythm.


Discover what you already have inside you, because rhythm is built into everyone and is waiting to be opened. Get to know yourself on a deeper level and develop your creative energy.

learn, feel good & grow

inspired, conscious, and healthy through rhythm

Rhythm That

For more than half a century, the unique method of TaKeTiNa has touched and thrilled over a million people worldwide.

This profound rhythmic experience is open to everyone – whether you are a beginner or an experienced musician.

This is what our participants say – find out how TaKeTiNa has changed the lives of countless people. Let yourself be taken on a transformative rhythmic journey online with TaKeTiNa.

The TaKeTiNa Team – This is us

As musicians, artists, and educators, both creative passion and years of experience flow into our work.

Unsere Mission: Einzigartige rhythmische Erlebnisse kreieren

Unser Ziel ist es, Wissen mit Empathie zu vermitteln, während unsere Kreativität uns ständig dazu anspornt, über den Horizont hinauszudenken, um authentische Erlebnisse zu schaffen.

Reinhard Flatischler

Reinhard ist ein Meister des Rhythmus, leidenschaftlicher Lehrer und ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Wegen, um den Rhythmus in all seinen Facetten zu erforschen und zu lehren.

Anna-Maria Flatischler

Annas Kreativität lässt die Welten von Musik, Pädagogik und Design auf einzigartige Weise verschmelzen. Anna führt Menschen auf eine innere Reise, um Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang zu bringen.

Johnny Bertl

Johnny Bertl ein musikalisches Multitalent mit der besonderen Fähigkeit, Klangwelten zu erschaffen, neu zu interpretieren und die Zuhörer in eine andere Dimension transportieren.


Holistic learning meets a
global network

Understand the Background

Get to know the primal movements of rhythm – where rhythms in nature, rhythms in your body, and rhythms in music intersect.

Videos and Exercises

All exercises and videos are available to you anytime and anywhere. This way, you can deepen your understanding at your own pace.

Global Community

In the forum, you can engage with the global community and connect with other rhythm enthusiasts.

Create your own personal rhythm ritual that gives you energy and strength for the day in the morning, gives you a break in between or helps you fall asleep better at night.

TAKETINA online:
At a Glance

inspired, conscious, and healthy through rhythm

Do you have questions?
We have the answers

In the 1st month, you get 6 packages right away: Rhythm X, TaKeTiNa Voices, TaKeTiNa Pure, TaKeTiNa Live, Rhythm Meditation, and Beginner Exercises. Additionally, tutorials guide you through our member area, making it easy to get started.

After that, you’ll receive new content every month in the form of more packages. This includes:

Rhythm exercises, TaKeTiNa journeys, Super-Grooves, Rhythm Meditations, explanatory videos and guides, the series “Rhythm X”, 3D visualizations, relaxation music, and much more.

You will also gain access to our members’ forum and the TAKETINA ONLINE Facebook group.

For the monthly membership, you pay €39 per month. With the yearly membership, you get 2 months free.

You can sign up by clicking “BECOME A MEMBER NOW.” You will then be automatically redirected to the registration page where you can complete your purchase.

The membership is automatically renewed if it is not canceled. Cancellation is possible at any time. To do so … Detailed instructions can also be found in the member area.

No, you don’t need any prior knowledge. You will be guided step by step through the exercises. TaKeTiNa allows you, even with complex exercises, to always return to the basics and increase the complexity at your own pace.

All videos are available in German and English. You can switch between the languages at any time.

Either by credit card or PayPal.

Then write to us at:

Rhythm X is your path to rhythmic confidence.

With this, you’ll get to know the method that allows you to understand any rhythm in the world, eliminating any worries about timing or complex grooves.

Here's what's inside:

"At the Roots of Rhythm" – a 10-part series

What are the rhythmic commonalities in all music? In this series, you’ll get to know the rhythmic phenomena that are fundamental to all music and nature.

Guides and Introductory Videos

Here, we explain the practical content and show you how to optimize your training.

Introductory Exercises

Prepare yourself with full-body exercises for more complex grooves, and connect rhythms through steps, claps, and voice.


They are the heart of Rhythm X. Intricately produced grooves help you deepen the rhythms learned and integrate movements with complex rhythms.

These topics will boost your rhythmic development:


Get acquainted with the 8 fundamental offbeats that are essential musical repertoire found in every genre.


Explore simple to complex polyrhythms and experience the power that arises from different pulsations.


Odd, often elongated cycles, are primarily known from places like India or Eastern Europe. They introduce diversity in a world dominated by two-beat, three-beat, or four-beat cycles.


When additive and divisive cycles come together, more complex cycles emerge, leading you to simultaneous perception

TaKeTiNa Meditation helps you discover how rhythm can immerse you in deep inner silence and relaxation.

Simple, gentle rhythmic journeys, sound meditations, visualization, and breathing exercises take you from thinking to listening, feeling, perceiving – in the here and now. Create your personal rhythmic ritual that gives you energy and strength for the day in the morning or helps you sleep better at night.

Research projects have shown that TaKeTiNa stimulates the vagus nerve, improves heart rate variability, and balances the nervous system

Here's what's inside:

3D Visualizations

3D visualizations appeal to all senses. Here, you’ll listen to guided meditations and sounds in three dimensions to delve deeper into simultaneity.

Rhythmic Meditations

The combination of gentle movements, rhythms, and sounds take you deeper into your inner space. There, you can rediscover yourself, release old blockages, and gain new perspectives for your life. You can choose whether to actively or passively engage in the rhythmic meditations – in predefined structures or entirely free movements.

Relaxation Music, Sounds, and Sound Compositions

Rhythmic meditation music, sound compositions, and various sounds help you to leave behind the noise of everyday life and immerse yourself in a state of deep relaxation and mindfulness. Every tone, every vibration takes you further inward and allows you to find clarity, balance, and renewal.

TaKeTiNa Pure is a reflection of what you can experience in a workshop.

“Unplugged” – that’s TaKeTiNa in its purest form. Reinhard and Anna guide you with Berimbau and Surdo into balance and focus. Experience the state of “Simultaneous Perception”, which takes you out of linear time perception and leads you into outstanding left-right coordination.

Here's what's inside:

Introductory Videos

Learn more about the state of simultaneous perception and why phases of chaos accelerate the learning process.

Introduction and Breakdown of Rhythms

You will be gradually introduced to the various rhythmic movements. This provides a solid foundation for the TaKeTiNa journeys.

Call-Response Singing

From simple, gentle TaKeTiNa journeys to four independent rhythms in the left and right hand, as well as steps and voice, you experience the full range from simple to complex. This opens up the broad spectrum of TaKeTiNa, where you can choose your own level of complexity.

TaKeTiNa Voices immerses you into the rhythmic flow using voice and body.

Dive into the diversity of rhythmic voices, discover your voice, and let call-response singing with a choir guide you into a network of movement, listening, inner vision, understanding, and feeling.

Here's what's inside:

Guides and Introductory Videos

Here, we introduce you to the content and offer tips on how you can optimally prepare for your rhythm flow.

3D Visualizations

3D visualizations engage all the senses. Here, you’ll experience rhythms in three dimensions and learn to visualize them internally – a real booster for your rhythmic orientation and confidence.

Introduction and Breakdown of Rhythms

In preparation for the TaKeTiNa rhythm exercises with a choir, you’ll become familiar with different rhythmic movements. Step by step, the rhythms are introduced and deepened through steps and claps.

Call-Response Chanting

Immerse yourself in a state where you become entirely one with the rhythms, sounds, your voice, and your body. The call-response chants with the choir introduce the voice as an additional element and further deepen the rhythms. Rhythm mandalas serve as visualization and orientation.

Polyrhythmic Relax-Music

With the polyrhythmic meditation music in their respective rhythmic structures, you can deepen your experiences, find inspiration, and deeply relax.

TaKeTiNa Voices führt dich in den rhythmischen Flow mit Stimme und Körper.

Tauche ein in die Vielfalt rhythmischer Stimmen, entdecke deine Stimme und lass dich von Call-Response-Gesängen mit einem Chor in ein Netzwerk aus Bewegen, Hören, innerem Sehen, Verstehen und Spüren führen.

Das sind die Inhalte:

Guides und Einführungsvideos

Hier stellen wir dir die Inhalte vor und geben Tipps, wie du deine Rhythmus- Flow optimal vorbereiten kannst.


3D-Visualisierungen sprechen alle Sinne an. Hier hörst du Rhythmen dreidimensional und lernst, sie innerlich zu sehen – ein echter Booster für deine rhythmische Orientierung und Sicherheit.

Aufbau und Einführung in die Rhythmen

Als Vorbereitung für die TaKeTiNa Rhythmus-Übungen mit Chor lernst du die unterschiedlichen rhythmischen Bewegungen kennen. Schritt für Schritt werden die Rhythmen in den Schritten und im Klatschen eingeführt und vertieft.


Tauche in einen Zustand ein, in dem du völlig eins wirst mit den Rhythmen und Klängen, deiner Stimme und deinem Körper. Die Call-Response-Gesänge mit Chor bringen die Stimme als zusätzliches Element hinzu und vertiefen die Rhythmen. Rhythmus-Mandalas dienen als Visualisierung und Orientierung.

Polyrhythmische Relax-Musik

Mit der polyrhythmischen Meditationsmusik in den jeweiligen Rhythmusstrukturen, kannst du deine Erfahrungen zu vertiefen, dich inspirieren lassen und dabei tief entspannen.

TaKeTiNa Pure ist ein Spiegel dessen, was du in einem Workshop erfahren kannst.

“Unplugged” – das ist TaKeTiNa in seiner pursten Form. Reinhard und Anna führen dich mit Berimbau und Surdo in Balance und Fokussierung. Erfahre den Zustand der „Gleichzeitigen Wahrnehmung“, der dich aus dem linearen Zeitempfinden und in eine herausragende links-rechts-Koordination führt.

Das sind die Inhalte:


Erfahre mehr über den Zustand der gleichzeitigen Wahrnehmung und darüber, warum Chaosphasen den Lernprozess beschleunigen.

Aufbau und Einführung in die Rhythmen

Du wirst Schritt für Schritt in die unterschiedlichen rhythmischen Bewegungen eingeführt. Das gibt dir eine solide Basis für die TaKeTiNa Reisen.


Von einfachen, sanften TaKeTiNa Reisen bis hin zu vier unabhängigen Rhythmen in der linken und rechten Hand sowie Schritten und Stimme, erlebst du die ganze Bandbreite von einfach bis komplex. Das eröffnet dir das breite Spektrum von TaKeTiNa, in dem du dein eigenes Level an Komplexität wählen kannst.